Rabbi Ezra Max is an experienced professional certified coach and expert facilitator supporting Businesses, Executives, Parents, and even Teens to overcome their struggles and challenges.
He has a kaleidoscope of management experience in emergency services, healthcare, sales, technology, communications, real estate, and community activism. He works with local authorities, clergy, mental health professionals, and various organizations to facilitate transformational change.
Rabbi Max has the knowledge, experience and language to connect deeply with those he serves, whether via an online workshop, a coaching session, or from the stage. He has lectured and facilitated internationally on: PTSD, trauma recovery, self-regulation techniques, resilience skills, respect, boundaries, effective communication, successful parenting, psychological safety, classroom management, goal setting and achievement, workplace dynamics and sales strategies.
His approach is grounded in recognizing and acknowledging the client's inherent natural strengths, gifts, talents and abilities. This foundation is used as leverage to develop courage, build confidence and generate increasingly better results. Ezra co-creates with clients the design, focus and strategy for bringing forward their visions. He then supports them in living a life of their dreams with clear values, intent and purpose.
Ezra's clients consistently report becoming calmer, focused, and clear about where they want to go and the directions for getting there. They feel more balanced, courageous, confident, successful and on-purpose. They communicate more effectively, feel less frustrated and make powerful choices while accomplishing more with decreased stress. Clients enjoy being heard and understood while exploring options and taking strategic action to create a lifestyle they choose.
Rabbi Max has been coaching full-time for 18 years. He is a recently retired EMS Chief after being a volunteer EMT for 30 years. He continues to be an advisor for multiple 501c3 organizations and is 411 and 911 for his friends and extensive network. He lives in NY with his wife and 5 "growing up fast" young adult children.

Rabbi Max was there for me through it all. He never gave up on me and never abandoned me. He always gave me encouragement and believed in me when I couldn't believe in myself. I am now living life and very happy!
Sarah H.
Brooklyn, NY
"Coach Rabbi Max is terrific at helping parents and teens get out of their "stuck" place. He helps them move forward with their lives and collaborates well with therapists."
Trish Attia
"I have had the opportunity to see Rabbi Max in action up close both in his role as a guide for parents as well as in his work with struggling teens. His uncanny ability to cut through the layers that often cover the true issue at hand makes him an invaluable resource for parents who are looking to help their child but just don't know how."
Rabbi Yisroel Grossberg Ms. Ed.
Program Coordinator